
Things Everybody Knows About Me

  • I can't have my silverware touch the table in restaurants, so I always ask for extra napkins. Now that I think on it, I never like my silverware to touch any tabletop.
  • I always have to wash my hands before I eat. So again, if I'm out at a restaurant, I have to go to the bathroom before eating or bust out the Purell.
  • I have a case of raging paranoia. Example: I always drive different routes to locations I frequent just in case someone is following me. I also believe everyone is always talking about me. Arrogant, much?
  • I'm extremely nosy and have to know everything about everything going on around me.
  • I'm cooler than anyone you know.
  • I have to disagree with everything Bob says or does, just on principle.
  • 'Liar' is my favorite word. Don't be surprised if I scream it in your face.
  • I'm oddly specific about time. If it's 12:37, it's 12:37, not 12:40 or 12:35.
  • I love Hannah Montana candy bracelets.


Anonymous said...

Erica is cooler than anyone I know.

Unknown said...

we should meet, you look like me, but there is one thing appearant, i am awesome, but not so sure about you.

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