

I shouldn't tempt fate or Wisconsin weather, but I think it's pretty safe to say that I survived my first winter as a homeowner. Aside from that tree branch taking out my electricity with the first blizzard and some minor gutter damage, the house and I are relatively unscathed. Tip for next year: actually remember to close the storm windows so my heating bill isn't sky high.

A Brief Conversation Between Bernie and I

  • "Bernie. Sit." Bernie sits appropriately.
  • "Good boy! You are so smart!"
  • "Thank you. I'm also very handsome."
This same conversation occurs pretty much every morning when I'm putting his lease on for our walk. Can we say vain much?


Really? Really?

Seriously, Ricky Martin? I'm really hoping you don't expect us to be shocked because you've finally come out of the closet. I'm not gonna lie, I read that online and just bust out laughing. Sorry to make light of your emotional journey, but I did not expect to see that when I opened my Yahoo! page. Good stuff. Better late than never, I guess.

Work Rocks

Today a 4-year-old cussed me out. Being a nurse is a joy.


So I kinda...maybe... might have bought a new car on Friday. Mostly because of my dog. And I was just ready for a new car. Maybe I should start leasing, as I clearly get bored after a few years. What is wrong with me? Why can't I stop spending money?!?! I just love stuff so much.


The Princess and the Frog

I LOVE it. I've already watched it twice today, and then went back and listened to all my favorite songs two or three times. Ahh, proving once again that when it comes to maturity, I'm about 6-years-old.


Zooey Deschanel

I really don't care for her. Seriously, how can you be considered a talented actress when you essentially play yourself in every movie you've been in? Ooh, I'm playing the quirky, off-beat, whimsical alternative chick. Wow, way to show off those acting chops. Lame.


Sunset Daze

Apparently We TV has come up with a new show that's essentially "The Real World" but with old people. Though I think it takes place in a retirement village or something, not one house. And each person has a label, like "the ex-nun" and "the playboy" and "the wild one." I have no words. I'm all for old people handling their business, she said euphemistically, but do I want to watch it on tv? Not really... maybe...we'll see. But it starts soon, for those who don't want to miss it. And I find it hilarious that it's being advertised during a "Golden Girls" marathon. Am I part of their target audience, as I love "Golden Girls"?


The Front Seat

Someone, who shall remain nameless (Bertram Cornelius), decided he could fit in the front seat of a 2-door Honda Civic. And rode that way all the way home, with his butt on the seat, his paws on the floor, and his head on the dashboard or laying on the window. And lucky me, because he weighs 125lbs, the stupid seat belt alarm kept going off the whole way. Awesome.


A Bit of Hilarity

The following conversation occurred between my brother and I today:

  • Me: "I think my next dog will be a Shar Pei."
  • JD:"What's a Shar Pei?"
  • "You know, one of those wrinkly-faced dogs."
  • "A pug?"
  • "No."
  • "A bulldog?"
  • "No, a Shar Pei."
  • "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. A Shar Pei isn't a dog, it's a marker."

Can I tell you that I laughed for about 5 minutes?


My Bad

Sorry it's been a while folks. But, shock of all shocks, I really don't have much to say.



I hate my dog. And want to send him to the glue factory.