
Ahh Yes, Levels Of Showers

Many are familiar with the fact that I rank my showers into three levels. Let me provide a refresher course.
  • Level 1: Basic cleaning only. Just your standard get in-get out 5 minute wash up.
  • Level 2a: Cleaning+ shaving
  • Level 2b: Cleaning+hair washing
  • Level 3: Cleaning+shaving+hair washing

Obviously many others would only have two levels of showers, but I get three because I don't wash my hair everyday. And 2a is cleaning and shaving and not 2b, because I shave more than I wash my hair. And the only reason I categorize my showers in the first place is because I'm a loser with too much time on her hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't wash your hair every day?!?!?!

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