
Little Known Fact About Me

I'm convinced that the waistband on your pants is potentially one of the most germ-ridden areas of the body. Therefore, I refuse to pull my pants up after going to the bathroom until after I've washed my hands. The exception to this rule, of course, would be multi-stall public restrooms. That would just be embarrassing. Please enjoy the visual picture I've just provided. *Clarification: This OCD behavior developed b/c I read an artcile once that said the bacteria found in fecal matter can penetrate through like 7 layers of toliet paper. Though I do this every time I go to the bathroom, not just when poop is involved.*


Travis and Rachel said...

I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

Put a condom on your fingers before you wipe.

Problem solved.

Natalie said...

So doesn't pulling your pants up after you've washed your hands defeat the purpose? Your hands are clean and your still rubbing the waistband up your dirty ass to pull them up. You would really have to re-wash your hands.

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