

So unfortunately friends, my holiday wasn't as kickass as Thanksgiving was. I just worked all week. Though I did make chocolate chip pancakes for Christmas breakfast that were very yummy. I thought I'd make up for a lame Christmas in the hospital by having a huge kickass shopping extravaganza on Friday. Yeah, that didn't really work out the way I'd planned. I had the awesome embarrassing pleasure of having another fake heart attack!! In the middle of Land's End!! Didn't see that plot twist coming, did you? For those who don't know, I had a fake heart attack this summer and the docs didn't find anything wrong and sent me on my merry way. Well, tada bitches!! It's back. So picture me, talking to this little old lady cashier, and suddenly sweating and clutching my chest and asking where an emergent care was. I clearly couldn't drive myself so instead they have to call an ambulance. And not just that, the fire dept responded; they sent a whole show for me. It rocked (or something like that). So I spent my holiday extravaganza evening right back in the hospital in the ED. Another EKG, another chest x-ray, some labs. What do you know, there is nothing wrong with my heart and I don't have any clots. I just have some random ass chest pain and an expensive ass ambulance bill. And there goes my holiday check. Good stuff. Super big shout out to Leslie for coming to pick me up from the ED and taking me back to my car. And for going to Land's End with me. Dude, I didn't get to finish my transaction but I didn't want to terrify them by showing up by myself. All in all, Merry Christmas.


Mo Jo Joanie said...

I'm glad you're okay!

Anonymous said...

liDid you get a discount when you returned to Land's End?

Anonymous said...

Did you know you actually don't have to pay the ambulance bill? If it was activated through an emergency, it should be covered by your lovely tax dollars. If you had called up Ryan Brothers on your own and said you needed some transport because you broke a nail, you'd have to pay that. But 911 calls are exempt, even though they send you a bill...at least that's how it is in the Cleveland ghetto where I grew up.

Unknown said...

OMG! I almost had a heart attack laughing at this posting! Bravo Erica, good show! Nelson be pleased.

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