
Another Old Argument, Looking For New Opinions

Disclaimer first: This is probably one of the most shallow arguments you've ever heard. Here goes. What would be worse: to be plain or ugly? My opinion continues to be that being ugly would totally be worse. At least if you're plain, you kinda got something to work with. Ugly is just ugly. Though I guess either way, you better hope someone out there sees your inner beauty. Feel free to leave a comment, or vote in the poll to the left.


Brandy said...

i think of this argument like the old saying "i may be fat but you are ugly and i can lose weight but you will still be ugly". Ugly will always be worse. plain looking is fixable with some makeup and new clothes. ugly will always shine through any amount of makeup. to seem less cynical i will argue that one man's trash (ugly) is another man's treasure (beauty).

Anonymous said...

I'm going plain is better. It's much easier to create a secret identity if you're plain. Ugly - people remember you. Plain - not so much. Since my ultimate goal in life is to have a secret life, I need to be plain. Anyways, ugly is just ugly. Who wants to go around saying how ugly they are all the time?

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