

So, my fellow fat people. Do you ever think about how some things are just so much better when you do them with other fat people? The two that immediately come to mind being clothes shopping and eating. You don't feel self-conscious, it's just a good time. And do you ever meet certain skinny people and something about them lets you know that they know other fat people? And not just as an acquaintance, cuz everyone knows someone who's fat. But like a close friend or family member. You kinda just feel fat person comfortable around them. And you never ask them directly, but later on, if you meet/see said family member or friend you're totally aren't surprised. You just feel your intuition has been validated. Am I crazy or do other people feel this way? And I will make an exception to my first comment and say that hanging out with skinny people that both know fat people and eat like a fat person hiding in a skinny body are acceptable companions (re:Bob).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww. She likes me!

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