
Hilarity At Shopko

I'm at Shopko for an eye exam. After I'm done, I cruise around the store for a few minutes. Well, I'm browsing in the book section, which is located right behind electronics. All of a sudden this women starts calling for help. It didn't really register with me at first, I just vaguely noticed it. Then she starts increasing in volume, calling "Help, help, somebody help me!" It was then that it kinda clicked that this woman is calling for help, something could totally be wrong, and I'm a nurse who is just standing here reading the backs of books. So I dart around the corner to see what's wrong. And it's a woman standing next to one of those customer service phones near electronics. And she's tried to call someone to her area, but no one came. So she thought it'd be more effective to just stand there yelling for help until someone showed up. The point where I just lost it was when she goes, "Help, help! Does anybody work here? I'm not leaving!" It was some funny stuff. I just couldn't believe that bitch was just standing there hollering.


Megan said...

I so didn't see you when I was at Shopko. And thanks for helping me.

Rachel C. said...

This is freaking hilarious!!!

Bob said...

Megan win!

Kate C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Wow. hahaha

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