
Ahh, Winter

It's getting to be that time of year where I hate everything and everyone. I want nothing more than to spew anger, bitterness and violence into everybody's face. We're going to call it Seasonal Affective Disorder instead of being a bitch. In related news, I definitely think I'm going to try karate lessons. I feel it would be a good outlet in which to channel my rage.


Bob said...

Seasonal? Really? We're making that claim?

Brandy said...

I think karate coupled with your violence is a dangerous combination. Why don't you just stick to tennis? I foresee you attempting your newly acquired karate skills out on someone or somedog and next thing we know there's broken bones and tons of "I told you so"s.

PeaceBell said...

I think I got that time of the year almost every year, where everything everyone is just not in the right place. It will wear off, just have to find something to focus on better than just hating to yourself.

Random stranger

Erica said...

Something can happen every season and still be called seasonal.

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