

My diet has been painfully non-existent post-Hawaii. But June 1st changes all that (supposedly). I feel like a blimp. And when I wear scrub pants, I look and feel like an encased sausage. And my boobs are ridiculous. This will not do. As part of my new efforts, I am completely banning myself from sweets. And I know you shouldn't ignore cravings, because they can become worse and make you eat other crap, only, many calories later, to eat what you wanted in the first place anyways. But you know what, I'll fulfill those craving 50 pounds from now. I hear that the first three days are the worst. Ignore me if I have the shakes. Also, if you offer me sweets, and I attempt to eat your face, you'll know why. It'd be a more pleasant experience for me if you sprinkle some sugar on it first.

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