
The Psychic

We'll start with the moral of the story: Don't go see a psychic unless you want to be busted out and told about yourself. I'm not saying that everything see told me made sense or that I believe things in my life are going to happen exactly the way she told me. But when it came to analyzing my personality and behavior, she kilt me big time. Ultimately, I'm a 26-year-old that acts like she's 46 and doesn't experience life. I feel like I have to be responsible all the time. I'm never getting married but I will eventually be in a marriage-like relationship. But, my love life won't actually settle down and be healthy until my late 30s, early 40s. I'm seen as being pregnant twice but only having one child. She told me I can difficult to get along with and I give off standoffish vibes and people that approach me see me as very closed off and intimidating. I'm ridiculously stubborn and proud, I want things to be my own way, and I have some paranoid and OCD like tendencies. I'm caught in a vicious cycle and I need to make changes in my life and be more open minded and accepting of change. A majority of our time was spent in this vein. There was a lot more that was said. Overall, it was a very interesting experience. On a positive note, I'm apparently going to be in a lust, not love, relationship before the year is out. Holla.


Mo Jo Joanie said...

You forgot to write about the shoulder injury you're going to have in a non fatal accident!

Anonymous said...

Bob in a car accident?! Couldn't be.