
Fat Kid In Gym Class

I was watching "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" the other day. Which does not bring back the best memories. It made me think of all the activities in gym glass that completely sucked as a fat kid. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
  • Obviously, dodgeball/prisoners in paradise. You can't move fast enough to avoid the ball and you're already a bigger target. And those balls hurt like hell.
  • Ropes. Those bastard ropes that hung from the ceiling. I couldn't climb them worth a damn. And I remember in one particular class, our pervert teacher expected us to grab two ropes and flip and hang ourselves upside down. Are you fuckin' serious? I always hated the people that could shimmy up like monkeys. I was passable at the climbing bars, though.
  • Eraser runs. Actually, I should really just say anything involving running. The 100 yard dash, the mile. God, the fuckin' mile. I think I clocked about a 40-minute mile in those days.
  • Fitness testing. I hated the time of year when it was time to do fitness testing. Hello, look at me. Clearly not fit. Sit-ups and push-ups per minute? The aforementioned running? Ugh.
  • Swimming. Especially for someone who can't swim worth a damn. Why yes, I'd love to wear a swimsuit in front of all my peers. Self-consciousness isn't a problem in high school at all.
  • Pull-ups. God, shoot me. And there were these other bars. They were like two parallel ladders, mounted on the wall a few feet up and connected by a bar at the top. You had to climb up one side, just using your hands, mind you, swing across the top and then back down the other side. It's pretty safe to say that I never accomplished this feat.

While I don't care for pretty much any sport, these were by far the worst memories spanning from elementary school on. One more thing that's contributed to the Erica-is-cuckoo-bananas pie. And to avoid be a totally downer, I will say that I rocked at badminton, floor hockey, jump rope, and bowling.


Leslie said...

Did you have pickleball? Kind of like tennis, inside with a wiffleball...it was awesome! I kicked ass...wasn't too shabby at badminton either! Oh yeah, I also had swimming...but try having it in middle school...talk about embarassing! And did you have to take showers after gym? We were forced to march in line...naked... to the shower after every gym class in middle school! My school sucked!

Brandy said...

I cried laughing when I read this. Oh all the horrible fat kid memories. All those painful memories that I had suppressed. I hated middle and high school! Bryon Krebs used to pick on me when we were in 5th grade because my sports bra made me have a uni-boob. Kids are cruel.

Bob said...

As someone who is good at everything I do I can assure you this is very painful for me to admit: I was never very good at climbing those damn ropes either.

Rebekah (bringin' the mean) said...

Dude, I am blind. I was exempt from gym, balls flying at my face never was a fair battle. Don't you wish you were legally blind like me?