
Geez O' Peets

I forgot how necessary I was to everyone's existence. Maybe I haven't posted cuz I have no life (though that never stopped me before). Well, here are some Erica life updates.
  • My birthday is TOMORROW!!!! 27 baby!! And still act like a 7 -year-old.
  • Though I shouldn't jinx myself, for all intents and purposes, I've almost bought a house. Just the financial stuff to get through, and I should close on June 30th. Yah!! Things to paint, stuff to buy!!
  • I'm part bird. Not because I have hollow bone syndrome. But because I have trouble distinguishing between open air and really clean glass. Multiple times now, I've either avoided what I thought was glass or hit what actually was glass. Wow.
  • My new favorite live journal is called FATShionista, and it's totally just entries from fat girls everywhere that love clothes and fashion. I feel like I've found home. Especially cuz every Friday people post 'clean you closet out' sales.
  • I'm awesome. And gorgeous. And a breath of fresh air.
  • This is my 93rd post! Will have to do something kickass for number 100!!
Those are my current updates. Hope you vultures are satisfied.


Bob said...

"Not because I have hollow bone syndrome."

Although I bet you do believe you have that.

Rachel Callaway said...

where's the house? congrats on that! can't wait to see pics! do you love it as much as the other one? and yeah for you bday tomorrow- have a great day!

Brandy said...

i feel like my life is back in order now that you have posted something. i sighed a heavy sigh of relief when i saw a new post. i feel much better! thanks for keeping us in mind.

Unknown said...

actually, i, too, have to thank the Lord for this post. my daily routine of work and internet putz felt incomplete when i kept coming upon your abondoned blog..disheartening. thanks for showing some love.

also, happy birthday, lady!

also, congrats on the new home! how the?!?! what the?!?!? but, slick as hell!! =)