
Phone Experiments

So I've been doing all these mini phone experiments cuz I'm trying to wean myself from being so addicted to it. Turns out this is really hard! I totally remember being forced to get a cell phone in 2003 and I only caved because I was sick of having to buy calling cards to make long distance calls. I hated the idea of being so accessible. (I continue to be kind of weird about that. No Twitter or Facebook, but apparently blogging is okay? No one ever accused me of making sense.) Fast forward 12 years and I NEED to have my phone in my hand constantly. Seriously, not having it accessible at all times has become borderline panic inducing. I have chargers in multiple locations, cuz I can't have it die! The thought of driving somewhere and not having a phone on the off chance I get into an accident? Or not being able to map unknown destinations? How can I live??!! And heaven forbid I have to sit somewhere and be bored! I have to check my email and text and play trivia! I have to be doing something at all times!!

Anyways, so the experiments. It's just little things. Not using my phone at work, turning off text notifications, just keeping it turned off for periods of time, limiting how often I check it.  And I know this is all kind of dumb and hypocritical, since I constantly have my iPad. It's just one of my weird things, I guess. Long story long, don't be surprised if there are days when I don't respond to messages or calls. Currently, I've decided that one day a week, I'm completely cut off. No tech devices for 24 hours. Gotta figure out the rules, though. Like if I can't use anything, can't do no tech on a work day. Is television included? Is it no tech devices at all or just no communication? Why am I bothering? Don't know what dumb point I'm trying to prove. Ugh, I need a life. 

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