
A Sincere But Racist Question

Why do white people love Florida so much? Florida is a hot, disgusting place with no redeeming value. Scratch that. Due to the high Latino population, you can probably find some good food. Anyways, the minute white folks have some vacation time, they're off to Florida. Please help me understand.


Bob said...

I think it's because they love Disney.

Also, that's not racist.

Megan said...

But if they loved Disney, you'd think they'd head to California in equal proportions.

I agree - it's a racial observation, but it's not racially hating, so it doesn't qualify as racist.

Julie said...

Maybe they love Disney and ABBA? During the few days I spent there for work a couple years ago, I think I heard about 10 different ABBA songs... and about 7 of them during dinner at a Cuban restaurant.

I also agree with the previous assertions that it's not racist.

ROTURs said...

O-Town baby! Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Busch Gardens, and many others. Theme park mania. Also, beaches and other fun in the sun activities.
After living there for six months I will make a racist assertion and that is FL is white trash! Ever notice people don't consider it the South? This is due to the Everglade swamp lovin' Floridian population that is just plain scary.