
As Seen On TV

I really need a Sobakawa cloud pillow. I've been informed that they're being sold at Walgreens. The thing is, the ones at Walgreens have actual buckwheat hulls in them whereas the televison ones have air beads with buckwheat hull-like qualities. Which is better? They're the same price, except for shipping, which I hate paying. But the ones from televison have a buy one get one free offer and it comes with a special pillow case. But I'm big on instant gratification. What to do?


Megan said...

I'd go with the Walgreens one. I love instant gratification. Also, the traditional Asian pillow is filled with buckwheat hulls. Don't you want to be traditional and get the full experience? These things creep me out - I don't like the head divot. It seems like it's some sort of supportive device that goes in a casket, and it seems like it does not support the tummy sleepers of the world.

Bob said...

What ordinary pillow is shaped like a brick?