
Number One Pet Peeve

My all time number one pet peeve? There is a sign clearly indicating that a lane is going to end and you need to merge. People like myself see that sign and merge immediately. And then there are those motherfuckers that zoom past in the closing lane anyways and then try to cut in at the front. Hell to the no. I will ride bumper to bumper to make sure they don't have a window. I just want to ram them off the road. Grrrr! I cannot think of anything else that makes me as instantly furious as this does.


Anonymous said...

I am the same exact way. Stupid jerks all deserve to be driven off the road!!!!


Julie said...

I'm with you there... and it really pisses me off when people ahead of me let them in - they chose to drive in the closing lane, let them stay there!

Rachel C. said...

I was just thinking of this the other day! I despise it as well!

Kali said...

I pretty much hate all drivers other than myself. These people are included in that list, as well as those who drive insanely fast past you, then switch into your lane and drive rediculously slow. Grr