

I know that you can randomly scroll through blogs and find ones you like. But seriously, how do I have 60 followers? I'm sure there are other blogs that have hundreds upon hundreds of followers, and that 60 isn't all that many. But dude, in my daily life I doubt I know 60 people. Unless you know me, I'm really not that interesting. And the people who know me would probably tell you I'm kind of a pain in the ass. I'm just funny sometimes. And speak my mind way too often. I mean, thanks for following my blog and all, peeps. It validates that I'm super awesome. Well, to 60 people at least. Always to myself.


Bob said...

And I'm not even an official counted follower.

jlax19 said...

I follow you because no one follows my blog. I like the way you just say what you want. I don't know you nor will I ever but I find it interesting none the less what you are saying thinking and feeling. And you are very lucky to have friends by the way don't take that for granted, or that we think what you have to say is interesting or and at times insightful.