
Make Some Moves

Bungee jumping may have scrambled my brain. Now my mind is constantly jumping, wondering what new thing to do or try next. I want to say yes to everything! That's pretty much my motto right now, actually. Say Yes To Everything. No fear, no limitations (I mean, I'm not trying to break the law or anything. I'm not crazy.) Weeeelllll, that's not exactly true. Still working on the people paranoia. Don't ask me what happened in my life that makes me believe everyone is a serial killer. Cuz the answer is nothing. I've lived a straight up vanilla life. Gonna have to make some moves and work on that. Maybe the answer will come to me while hang gliding. Or rock climbing. Or getting a new tattoo. Oooh, tap starts again soon! Wait, what? 


Unknown said...

Your assumption that everyone is a serial killer must come from the family because I assume the same thing. Assumed Shaun was a serial killer, almost convinced he isn't.

Rebecca said...

skydiving should be next

Megan said...

Everyone is a serial killer until proven otherwise. Showers must be checked upon arrival into a home/hotel room with a quick but subtle whipping back of the curtain, generally armed with nothing more than a cell phone if I'm lucky. They should also be checked in the morning and possibly throughout the day, depending on circumstances. Basement corners should also be monitored, though not as frequently. Anyone who follows you through more than 2 turns is clearly trying to kill you, whether you are on foot, in a car, on a bike, or using any other mode of transportation. I will be forever single, as I know that any man I meet is really just looking to add a freckled kill to his list.

Rebecca said...

You folks have problems.