

Have I ever told the story of why I don't have eyebrows? Okay, they've probably always been pretty sparse. But when I was a young lass, but old enough to know better, I was taking a bubble bath. And thought it'd be fun to pretend to shave bubbles off my face. Well, at some point in the process, I decided that it'd be more realistic if I took the safety cap off. What do you know, with the cap off you may actually shave hair off. And there went half of my left eyebrow. I thought that no one would notice, so I tried to go about my day. But I noticed my father looking at me funny. Now, I didn't want to get in trouble for playing with his razor. Kid logic time...I should totally shave off half of the other eyebrow. Cuz if they match, you won't notice they're half gone. Done!! Oddly, I don't recall much after that. I just remember doing it. And blaming my childhood antics for my continued lack of eyebrows. Good times. 

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

My dad had a bald patch on his shin from shaving it on a dare in college.