
I'm Back!! 2014 New Year's Resolutions!!

2014 is the Year of Er!ca (she said for like the fourth year in a row)!! We're actually writing resolutions in a timely fashion, what what! Let's make some short and long term goals this year. I need to be be able to check things off and feel like I've accomplished something. Warning: the following material may be ridiculous.   

1. Debt reduction/save money. I know. How many times and I going to repeat this? But I gotta get real. Living paycheck to paycheck sooks.

2. I'm not shaving my legs until March 1. So gross. It's already been a month. It's the worst and I feel like a wildebeest. But I vowed not to do it and I stand by my word!

3. Blog at least twice a month. I've been so terrible. This is easily attainable.

4. Talk less, listen more. I said something similar a couple years ago. Shut up, Er!ca! Keep your thoughts to yourself! No one cares!

5. Drink 12-16 cups of water a day.

6. Lose 114lbs in honor of 2014. 201.4 seemed excessive. Doesn't this sound familiar?

7. Watch the Star Wars Movies. Probably just the original trilogy. Also, The Sound of Music. I'm willing to take other suggestions of classic movies I need to see. Even if you think there's no way I haven't seen it, still suggest. Odds are I haven't.

8. Walk my dog everyday, working our way back up to 2 /day walks. It's terrible that I have to make a resolution to walk my dog. But I'm just so lazy.

9. Try to have a more positive attitude. I'm not going to go so far as I say I should be nicer. Just stop being quite so negative.

Huh. It kinda makes me sad that I have the same goals very year. How boring am I that my life never changes? Wow, that positive attitude thing slasted a long time.

Eh, I'm over it. Happy 2014!!!

1 comment:

megan said...

I don't like half of these. What about being more like Ursula? That's totally attainable. What about hanging out with me more and judging others? Yeah, we're good at that. Who the heck wants to me NICE? Blah, blah, fucking blah. That's so 1992.