
Let's Get Real

The best thing about winter isn't the holidays, or snow, or spending time with your family. It's slow hair growth. I haven't shaved my armpits in a week and a half and you can barely tell. Whoo-whoo!!


Your followers said...

It's January 5th. We demand you post your resolutions and reflections on last year's list!

Kev said...

Apart from us men who don't get a fresh shave as often which does feel awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry..I'm reading this blog after way too long, but the first thing that stood out to me was 'whoo-whoo.' I can't figure out how to say it and it's pissing me off! The way you've spelt it, it should be pronounced 'who-who' but that makes no effing sense. If you meant 'woo-hoo,' you should spell it that way. Don't get mad, I'm just trying to help out.

Hi Erica!
