
When I'm Old

There are three things I have to have when I'm old.
  1. A Rascal. Was there any doubt of this? I'd own one now if I could.
  2. A stair lift/chair. Cruisin' up the staircase? Hells yeah!
  3. A Med Alert Bracelet. One of the ones that calls 911 automatically if it senses that you've fallen. This is because the odds are high that I'll probably fall down the stairs at some point in my life. Mostly because I walk up the stairs on my tip toes. And I'm not very graceful.


Bob said...

But you'll be riding up the stairs in your chair.

Megan said...

Doesn't the chair lift negate the need for the bracelet? I see a flaw in your elderly life plan. And isn't a med alert bracelet for things like "hey I have diabetes"? I think what you actually want is a Life Alert. Not to be nit-picky, I just want to be sure that your golden girls era is all that you're hoping for.