
My Weird Stereotypes II

It's been so long! So...why don't white people use washcloths? I find this to be extremely gross. How do you feel clean if you don't wash with a washcloth? Does everyone in your household share a bar of soap? Do you just use your hands? Do you at least use a loofah or a pouf? Do you really feel like those can clean all your cracks and crevasses? Do you use washcloths and it's just a deep hidden secret? Inquiring, stereotyping minds need to know!!


Megan said...

I get so disturbed when I stay at someone's house and there's not a washcloth immediately available. I'm convinced that poufs harbor all sorts of parasites and that you just rewash with your own filth. How can you scrub off all the grossness of the world without a washcloth?

Tony McGurk said...

I use a Loofah but after reading Megan's comment I feel kinda gross about it now