
New Year's Resolutions I Have Six Weeks To Complete

I'm haven't done too terribly, actually. Didn't save any money, but that's not shocking. Got plenty of cute new clothes.  And I've resigned myself to being poor until my car is paid off. Five months to go, bitches! But now I really want a new kitchen...

Okay, I give up on pretending like I will blog regularly. Maybe a 2015 resolution should be stop lying to myself.

Still talk too much. That's just genetic. At least I now try to let someone finish their thought before I start talking. That's progress, right?

Drinking water like whoa. That was obviously something easy for me to check off. I barely drink anything else, so it's not much of a challenge. Who makes a resolution to drink water? God, my life is boring.

Let's say I walk my dog 5 days a week. He's fine.

Still haven't seen the Star Wars movies. Or Sound of Music.  Sound of Music is doable. The Star Wars movies seem less likely.

It's the middle of November and down about 52lbs. I guess 114lbs is a stretch. Way to not commit! We don't tolerate any losers in this house! Win, win win!!!  Oh, Breakfast Club.

Wait, I take back my first statement. I have done terribly. Why do I continue to bother? That's it, stop lying to yourself is next year's only resolution.

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