
Am I Really That Geeky?

I need more opinions. Bob and I shared this conversation yesterday.

Me: How geeky is it that when I put on my black pearl earrings I said, "The Black Pearl!" in a pirate accent?
Bob: Super geeky.
Bob: Like scale of 1-10 I give it a 57.
Me: Who has a scale up to 101?
Bob: That was 1-10.
Bob: You would.
Me: Ahhh. My cursive font can be deceiving. I thought 57 put me in the middle of the scale. Not well beyond the top.
Bob: Having a cursive font on your phone is probably a 63849282659471625 on the same scale.

I can't be that geeky. I'm too cool for school.

1 comment:

Megan said...

you're that geeky. it makes me feel better about myself