
Sunset Daze

Apparently We TV has come up with a new show that's essentially "The Real World" but with old people. Though I think it takes place in a retirement village or something, not one house. And each person has a label, like "the ex-nun" and "the playboy" and "the wild one." I have no words. I'm all for old people handling their business, she said euphemistically, but do I want to watch it on tv? Not really... maybe...we'll see. But it starts soon, for those who don't want to miss it. And I find it hilarious that it's being advertised during a "Golden Girls" marathon. Am I part of their target audience, as I love "Golden Girls"?


Bob said...


Megan said...

I don't see this as a problem at all. I hope there are heated arguments over metamucil and fixodent.

Buffet Queen said...

I think I will join you in this program. Honestly, we both enjoy Drag Race. I also have the first three seasons of Golden Girls on DVD. I promise they were unsolicited gifts from friends. I do have a Golden Girls shirt. I will rock it as PJs for Bfest!

Carol Blackburn said...

Hi Erica,
I understand not really wanting to watch the lives of old people on TV as I am considered old myself at 58 although I still think I'm 28 until I look in the mirror and see the platinum grey hair. Just to share a snipet from my day as someone who is considered old but feels young I thought I'd share this little story with you. Hope you like it and you don't mind....:)
I had gone for my Monday morning Tai Chi class and Michael had gone bowling with the Seniors group for the first time. When I got home and found he wasn't there yet I called his cell phone (aren't they wonderful). He told me they were just wrapping up and I asked him to meet me for lunch at Market Square Restaurant.
We walked into the restaurant and lo and behold there were most of the seniors from bowling. They cried out "Mike" and asked us to join them. "Why not," I said. So we pulled up a table and attached ourselves to the crowd. As I sat at the end of the row of tables I looked down the line of wrinkled faces, tightly curled white hair, balding men and a sea of eyeglasses glaring back at me like sunlight sparkling on the water. It was blinding!
Then I thought, "I feel like I'm having lunch with 8 sets of grandparents (my grandparents)!"
My long platinum hair, up in a pony tail, my cute velour suit on as it's very comfortable to do Tai Chi in and clogs (no velcro sneakers for me). I felt like a kid again............
They were lovely people; conversing about bowling, the weather, square dancing and suppers at the Grange. We did have a wonderful meal together.
As I got up to leave, I noticed my right hip was a bit out of place (as it sometimes does, depending on the type of chair I'm sitting on) and I put a big smile on my face, said my "good-byes, nice to meet ya" and headed straightway for the door. Mike looked at me with this wide grin and asked "what's up?" He knows me well..........................
"I'm trying not to limp and look OLD............." I replied. He chuckled like he usually does and we both started to laugh. We got out to the car and he opened the door and helped me in. He is quite the gentleman.
"Do I look that old?" I asked. "No dear, not at all," he replied. "Your were the best looking chick in there."
He is a very smart man....................................

neva lia said...

goog blog........ i like it.

neva lia said...

i mean good blog